
Basic Sentence Structure

Subject + Action = Object of sentence.

Sluggish Words

Sluggish words. They’re weeds that creep into my writing unnoticed. The little beasts who choke beautiful plants and slow the pace of my sentences. I’m revising my manuscript, The Half Mile of Baby Blue. I’ve been meticulously searching for something that can’t be named, a thing that doesn’t show the reader almost anything. Sluggish words taking upContinue reading “Sluggish Words”

Words inspired by a Genre Circular

Words inspired by a Genre Circular A writer’s mind is a provocative vortex into a complex world. I can’t explain the creative seeds that grow within the stories I write, or the character threads that come to me in almost insightful flashes. However, I’d like to believe there is a link between a healthy imagination andContinue reading “Words inspired by a Genre Circular”